Did you accidentally tab or mouse-click away?

Especially for new users, a sudden inability to type may have been simply a bumping of the tab or mouse-click keys, putting the cursor’s focus in another place. Try clicking back to where you want to type.

Unplug/re-plug the USB cable

If your CharaChorder seems to be acting strangely, unplugging it by the USB cable and re-plugging it back in will force it to reconnect and reboot.

Re-install the firmware

If your CharaChorder isn’t functioning properly, such as if your GTM Menu is no longer showing all of the available options, you may need to reinstall your firmware.

I’ve accidentally installed CharaChorder Lite firmware on my CharaChorder One and now the device won’t respond. What do I do?

  1. disconnect and reconnect your device
  2. go to https://www.serialterminal.com
  3. change the Baud setting to 1200
  4. Connect your device (with the connect button)
  5. Refresh the page
  6. Your device should now be in bootloader mode—load the correct firmware now.