GTM (Generative Text Menu) is a text-based menu that is accessible anywhere you can type. It allows you to access various device settings and features without the need for software. Activate GTM by chording Alt + g.

The main menu appears as text wherever your cursor is:

CharaChorder GTM [ >M<ode || >S<ettings || >A>ppearance || >R<esources ]

Press the corresponding letter to navigate to the next screen. At any time, exit the GTM by simply deleting the text in front of you. CharaChorder should keep it highlighted, making this easy.


Press the corresponding letter of an item in this menu to toggle the mode on or off.


Because the CapsLock key doesn’t have an internal light, you can use this setting to double-check whether it is on.


Turn on spurring mode to only produce chords with your keyboard. Single character typing becomes disabled. See the article on Spurring Mode for more information.


Pings the computer every so often so it doesn’t fall asleep. Keeps you looking active when you’re AFK.


Disable chording entirely. In this mode, you will only type single characters.



Disables messages from the CharaChorder from printing on the screen.