List of Special Characters, Keys, and Keyboard Shortcuts

<aside> 💡 All of the below commands or keys can be accessed by pressing the button sequentially


Key Shortcut or Chord
~ (tilde) NumShift + LeftPalmUp
F1-F10 3D press the NumShift switch + a number
F11 3D press the NumShift switch + [Left Click]
3D press the NumShift switch + x
F12 3D press the NumShift switch + w
3D press the NumShift switch + b
\ NumShift + /
! NumShift + Shift + a
NumShift + Shift + r
@ NumShift + Shift + t
NumShift + Shift + e
# NumShift + Shift + [Space]
$ NumShift + Shift + i
NumShift + Shift + l
% NumShift + Shift + n
NumShift + Shift + o
^ NumShift + Shift + j
NumShift + Shift + .
& NumShift + Shift + f
NumShift + Shift + k
* NumShift + Shift + p
NumShift + Shift + v
( NumShift+ Shift + h
NumShift + Shift + m
) NumShift + Shift + d
NumShift + Shift + c
_ Shift + -
= NumShift + y
NumShift + ,
+ NumShift + Shift + y
NumShift + Shift + ,
[ NumShift + g
NumShift + [Dup]
{ NumShift + Shift + g
NumShift + Shift + [Dup]
] NumShift + z
NumShift + q
} NumShift + Shift + z
NumShift + Shift + q
: Shift + ;
" Shift + '
` NumShift + '
< Shift + ,
> Shift + .
? Shift + /
NumShift + ;

<aside> 💡 All of the below commands must be chorded


Key Chord (press and release at same time)
Home NumShift + Left Arrow
End NumShift + Right Arrow
Page Up NumShift + Up Arrow
Page Down NumShift + Down Arrow

Other Actions

<aside> 💡 To scroll, hold NumShift + arrow up or down. To scroll twice as fast, hold NumShift and up or down arrow on both halves.
