Video Overview (Thanks @John de St. Germain !)

Your CharaChorder One has mouse controls on both hands using some of the smaller black switches just below the main finger positions. Left and right click are available on the thumb controls (see reference).

Types of Mouse Movement

The CharaChorder One mouse controls use a similar 5-way directional switch to the ones you type with. This makes it easy to move your cursor up, down, left, and right.

Using both mouse controls at once you can also perform diagonal movements.

While these controls are helpful, especially when editing text or performing basic tasks, many users still use a mouse, trackball, or touchpad for everyday use and gaming.

Mouse Settings

You can adjust how quickly your mouse moves across the screen using the mouse settings in the Generative Text Menu (GTM).

Slow Mouse

If you use only one mouse control in a direction, your mouse will move slowly, or put another way, it will move at the slower of the two speeds.

To reduce the speed the mouse moves when using only one mouse stick, adjust your Slow Mouse setting:

  1. Chord both pinkies north to open the GTM.
  2. Navigate to >S<ettings, S>L<ow Mouse.