The CharaChorder is not designed to be user serviceable at this time. If for some reason you need to, please contact the CharaChorder team by emailing [email protected] to get their advice before you attempt to do so. The switches are NOT designed to come off. If they come off during shipment make sure to document which one and let the team know. They will instruct you to very carefully put it back on, but it is best to let them know in case it causes issues later on.

Do not take the CharaChorder apart. Without the right training and tools, you will damage the switches in the process of removing the keycaps. If you do this, it is at your own risk.

My CharaChorder One doesn’t work.

Some things to try:

If you’re still unable to resolve your issue please contact support via email at [email protected].

One of my sticks feels sticky when I move it?

This sometimes happens with new CharaChorders, especially after a 3D press or when the stick is actuated with high force. It’s usually not anything to worry about. Often the feeling will work itself out fairly quickly, and once your CharaChorder is “broken in” you probably won’t have these issues anymore. The first thing to try is just to keep typing and see if it persists for more than a couple of minutes.

CharaChorder is slipping around on my desk.

The community has been experimenting with various solutions to this issue.

Option 1: Rest your CharaChorder on an oversized mousepad or similar gripping material such as a piece of a yoga mat.

Option 2: Use very fine sandpaper to buff the shiny surface off the feet so that it grips better. You could probably do that same thing with a rough towel. The shiny surface just feels like adhesive or coating, it doesn't really seem to be part of the feet.

Option 3: Apply “bumpons” / noise dampening rubber pads

Option 4: Periodically wipe the rubber feet with water or alcohol pads.