Not necessarily in alphabetical order at this time, as we’re still making frequent additions.

GTM (Generative Text Menu):

Text based menu which is accessible anywhere you can type. It allows you to access various device settings and features without the need for software and is activated by chording both alt keys together. The main menu appears as:

CharaChorder GTM [ >M<ode || >S<ettings || >R<esources || >I<mpulse ]

Fluid Chorded/Character Entry:

default text entry mode for CharaChorder. Output characters individually (like a keyboard) OR press and release all characters of a word simutaneously to output a chord.


'Chording only' mode which tells your device to output chords on a press rather than a press & release. It also enables you to jump from one chord to another without releasing everything and can be activated in GTM or by chording both mirror keys. It can provide significant speed gains with chording, but also takes away the flexibility of character entry. Spurring also helps new users learn how to chord by eliminating the need to focus on timing. Spurring is toggled by chording both of the 'mirror' keys together.

Ambidextrous Throwover (aka Mirror):

Entry mode designed for one-handed typing. Characters from the opposite hand are mirrored to the hand which activates this feature

Chord Modifiers:

inputs which, when included with a chord, change the prefix, suffix, capitalization, conjugation, part of speech, language, or structure of a chord

DUP (duplicate) key: