On your CharaChorder map, you’ll notice that both pinkies have outer indicators, showing their special functions when combined with a chord.

To activate these modifiers, chord the key with another chord.

Chording a pinky control with a single character will result in its single-character result (Alt, NumShift, Mirror, or Shift).

Quick Reference Guide.jpg

Modifier Key Typical Result
Chord alt 1
Capitalize chord is capitalized
Present tense +ing
Past tense +ed
Chord alt 2
Compartive +er
Plural +s


Chord modifier keys don’t know verbs from nouns

These keys modify any chord, sometimes to the point of hilarity. Take the word “and” and start pressing with your pinkies and you’ll get words like: anding, anded, ands, ander

English only

Currently these modifier keys are English only.


CharaChorder knows the past tense of run is ran. But it may not know all the tenses of all the words (yet).

Modifier keys cannot be overruled

At this time, you cannot create custom results using these chord modifier keys. So, for example, if a word has an odd variation in one of its tenses (”hasing” instead of “have”) your best option is to report a bug as you cannot overrule this with your own chord using the same key.