Chord Manager allows you to program custom chords to your device.

Access it via this URL using a Chromium based browser (a browser that supports the Serial api).

Once there, click on “Connect” and then choose your CharaChorder device.

<aside> 💡 Note: on Linux based systems you may need to give the browser permissions to the serial port. For example, on Ubuntu you can use sudo adduser $USER dialout or sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER and then restart. Replace $USER with your username.


It is highly recommended to watch the below video to understand how the Chord Manager works and the functions that are there.

Tutorial Video: How to use Chord Manager

How to Mass Delete Chords

The Chord Manager does not have a way to delete all chords from your device should you wish (for example to take someone else’s exported library and just mass import it). John de St. Germain from the discord created a bookmarklet which lets you mark all chords for delete and then you can press Commit All to commit them (note it goes 1 by 1 so can take some time).

To use, copy the below bookmarklet and add a new bookmark to your Chrome browser with the copied code set to the URL. Go to Chord Manager, connect to your device, download all chords and click the button.


using a Chromium based browser (or one that supports the serial api)

How to connect Chord Manager to Linux OS.

You must use Chromium (or Chrome) for your browser, but first you must make sure your username is part of the "dialout" group, AND you must log out and log back in for the group change to take effect (and in some cases do a full reboot).

If you’re a Linux user and you’re not able to connect through the browser, please open a terminal and run:

sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER

Where "$USER" is replaced by your username.

Then you must log out of your session and log back in