Welcome to your new CharaChorder.

If you've just plugged in for the first time, give your computer a second to get oriented. And your CharaChorder too. Unlike fully analog keyboards, your Lite has a brain. It can take a few seconds for the device to initialize before you can type. Wait for the keys to flash like a rainbow.

Once you're connected, you'll probably be eager to start chording and test out the capabilities.

Try this.

Place your cursor in a notepad or somewhere else you can type.

Now press and release the m+t keys together.

You'll need to do it fairly quickly, at almost the same speed that you type a single key.

If you did it right, you should see a much larger word appear on your screen in place of those two letters. A word both larger in letters, as well as being large in the real world.

Let's try a few other chords.

A few tricky ones, huh?

Chords can be for words big and small.